Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Overcoming Impotence by the Pull of Intimate Disclosures

Impotence in the face of a life project may turn into a cold hatred of any enterprise that solidifies one’s weakness.  This hatred underlies the temptation to refuse any opportunity that carries the risk of failure or rejection.  The desire for recognition from the outer world is strangled by one’s own disposition to refuse risk.

We have considerable agitation and discomfort in the face of impediments that detract from our energy to produce prized results. The lessening of energy complicates any advance but this will dissipate as small victories are accomplished. Incremental advances and small victories are sometimes achievable over time and function to re-new commitment.

One cannot seek desired results often times since the personality has security and pleasure as its aims. Any threat to security and pleasure is immediately discarded in favor of dwelling in the unlived life. Going for rewards in the outer world is often driven by the need for a witness of what has been developed inwardly.

Success and acts of kindness change their function from being drivers of practice to becoming expressions of hidden resolves. Unconscious needs, once uncovered, become sources of right action for they are in alignment with one’s intuitions and underlying passions.

Thought alone suffer from failures of the will which only comes forth as an ally when summoned by the inner guide.  If will is based on deeply held desires, resistance due to fear and self-doubt
is more readily overcome.

Stuttering starts, stops and distractions tend to disrupt smooth journeys to end points but inflection points where a sudden opening to wider vistas takes place may convert lassitude into burning desires. The impotence born of fear can be overcome when there is exposure to authoritative evidence that going outside from inside brings rewards of closeness to others. The evidence from intimate relationships shows that it is often brought about by the sharing of secrets.  

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